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Socio-Cultural Factors in Architecture |
LACK OF LOCAL EXPERTISE? So the designers of Milton Keynes have been comissioned to redesign the historic city of Najaf in Iraq! Surely their are more qualified architects in Iraq and its neighbours? (This discussion originates in Architecture Plus issue 12)
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Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:36 am
deep_red  |
JUSTICE FOR PALESTINE? MAYBE NOT The debate rages on about the forced wall between Palestine and Israel. Some argue this is for the better as it will save innocent lives. What do you think? (This discussion originates in Architecture Plus Issue 11)
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GATED COMMUNITIES ACROSS THE GCC & MID EAST: Whats all that about? Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Crticism and Contemporary Architecture |
ARCHITECTURE OF DUBAI : All that glitters is not gold. All gold is not real. Reality is what we seek. Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:36 am
Ellayxx  |
Architectural Identity |
RESPONSIVE REGIONAL ARCHITECTURE: The need for locally sustainable settlement design in the Arab World This article by Dr Ali Taileb,appears in Architecture Plus issue 10. Please post messages that are pertinent to this forum only. Violators of this rule will be banned from all forums.
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Traditional Settlements | A Key to the Future |
KABUL BAZAAR: An urban catalyst for neighbourhood reconstruction This article by Dr Mehdi Sabet, RA, AIA, NCARB appears in Architecture Plus issue 9. Please post messages that are pertinent to this forum only. Violators of this rule will be banned from all forums.
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Architectural Education |
Towards an Association for Schools of Architecture in our New World Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Advancement in Architecture |
ARCHITECTS OF A NEW WORLD : Are we making a positive contribution to our New World or making a quick buck and moving on? Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Urban design |
URBAN SPRAWL AND NEW CITIES Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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DUBAI - A CITY OF CITIES Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Landscape Architecture |
INDIGINOUS PLANTING : Why arent we seeing more of water conserving landscape design across our New World? Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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Environmentally Responsive Architecture |
ECO TOURISM AND ECOLOGES Please post only your viewpoint pertinent to this forum. Violaters of the rule will be banned from all forums.
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